After a lifetime workIng at very busy jobs the time has come to head off on our adventure – travelling Australia as grey nomads in our Bailey caravan nicknamed “Billie”, after Bill Bailey or Billie Holiday depending on whether you ask Vern or Merle.
Speaking about Vern and Merle, we should explain that our alter-egos came from childhood reminiscences of Uncle Vern hooking up the Viscount van to the Valiant. Anyone of our era may be familiar with a similar memory. Pretty sure we were on the second bottle of wine when we decided it would be a great idea to assume the Vern and Merle aliases… but perhaps they are more memorable than just Robert and Sue!

Becoming grandparents over the past 4 years has been amazing and we want to show our children and grandchildren how much fun you can have when you retire. I guess we want them to see us as the fun grandparents, if not the slightly crazy ones. We also hope we can bribe them to visit us as we spend our winters camped on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland – home to amazing beaches where the family can play.
Anyway, after four years of planning and research on what we needed to survive on the road, the time has finally come to take the leap. The house is sold, the van is packed and we are all prepped to head off on the adventure of a lifetime.

We really hope you follow us on our adventures over the next few years as we highlight the places we travel to and show you the beautiful places we visit on our journey through Australia. Vern is a keen photographer and hopes to do justice to the beautiful places we visit.