After years of dreaming, planning and preparing we are finally hitting the road to live the dream! Our first trip is a fairly small one for a couple of months exploring northern NSW. We hope you will follow along as we find out what this Grey Nomad stuff is really like.
What’s the plan?
Each year we aim to head somewhere south during the summer months and then come back to a base on the Sunshine Coast for the winter months.
This year it’s only a short trip as we had a few setbacks selling our house, which delayed us by a few months. Later this year we will jump right into the deep end when we hitch a ride on the Spirit of Tasmania for a 5 month trip exploring the beauty of that state.
What sort of adventurers are we?
Vern and Merle aren’t really the rufty-tufty 4WD types you’re likely to find wrestling crocodiles in Kakadu. We’re more your sit down at 5 o’clock for a nice glass of wine and a few nibbles type travellers – preferably with a stunning view…
We love to go on bush walks, though not any over 5kms. We have pushbikes and use them to get to exciting places – as long as there aren’t many hills. And we also have a kayak , not for white-water rafting, rather for a more casual paddle on beautiful lakes and rivers.

Raring to go
We have road-tested Billie (our van) throughout 2019, and have already seen some beautiful places, as the photos below attest. It’s now time to take the plunge and and make the van our home.
The tyres are pumped, the batteries charged, the fridge is stocked, the pantry full… Here we go!
You can watch a caravan go by, and wonder where it goes – or you can join it and steer it to your destiny…
Merle, via Google
Safe travels you 2. Look foward to reading all about your adventures ( The good, the bad AND the ugly please, just so we know that you two aren’t invincible ????) . ❤️❤️
Don’t stress it…. it will all be good, and if not we will make it look good ????
Looking forward to travelling vicariously on your adventures
I will be watching. Have the best time.